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Project supported by the Tribology Science Fund of State Key Laboratory of Tribology, China (Grant No. SKLTKF12A01), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11474123), the Natural Science Foundation of Jilin Province of China (Grant No. 20130101011JC), and the Fundamental Research Funds for Central Universities at Jilin University, China.
The structures of the Si/Cu heterogenous interface impacted by a nanoindenter with different incident angles and depths are investigated in detail using molecular dynamics simulation. The simulation results suggest that for certain incident angles, the nanoindenter with increasing depth can firstly increase the stress of each atom at the interface and it then introduces more serious structural deformation of the Si/Cu heterogenous interface. A nanoindenter with increasing incident angle (absolute value) can increase the length of the Si or Cu extended atom layer. It is worth mentioning that when the incident angle of the nanoindenter is between −45° and 45°, these Si or Cu atoms near the nanoindenter reach a stable state, which has a lower stress and a shorter length of the Si or Cu extended atom layer than those of the other incident angles. This may give a direction to the planarizing process of very large scale integration circuits manufacture.
With the rapid development of computer, telecommunication, and network technologies, the demand for integrated circuits (ICs) has increased. ICs have continued to develop high speed, high integration, high density, and high performance. This leads to smaller size ICs and a narrower distance between the neighboring wiring. Currently, the very large scale integration circuit (VLSI) has reached the 14 nm node. Meanwhile, the number of wiring layers has increased and the width of the metal line has narrowed. Copper has high thermal and electrical conductivity and a high melting temperature when compared to aluminum. Therefore, Cu has become the current VLSI multilayer wiring metal. The Si/Cu heterogenous interface has gained extensive attention for micro-electronic devices. The structural and morphological properties of the Cu template layers grown epitaxially on Si substrates have been studied by Vaz et al.[1] in order to provide a better understanding of the characteristics related to the magnetism of ultrathin films. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation has been used to systematically study the critical conditions of epitaxy, interface mixing, and sputtering for Cu cluster depositing on Si substrate under different incident energies, substrate temperatures, and atom number per cluster.[2] In these studies,[1] the Si/Cu interface is parallel to the surface. As far as we know, few researchers have studied a system where the Si/Cu interface is vertical to the surface.
In addition, chemical mechanical polishing (CMP)[3,4] has drawn great attention as a technique used in semiconductor fabrication for planarizing a semiconductor wafer. MD simulations of the nanoscale polishing of a single-crystal copper surface have been performed to study chip formation, material defects, and frictional forces by Ye et al.[5,6] Han et al. carried out a nano-scale polishing experiment of silicon wafer using the MD simulation method.[7,8] It was shown that the ductile material removal mode induced by physical phase transformation was the most important factor in achieving high levels of global and local planarities. Lina et al.[9,10] proved that both abrasive sliding and rolling play important roles in material removal in the abrasive CMP of the silicon substrate by using the MD simulation method. These studies of CMP of semiconductor are focused on a single copper or silicon surface. Few studies have focused on the CMP of Si/Cu heterogenous interface using the MD simulation method. The manufacture of VLSI with a multilayer structure needs the process of planarizing the surface of the Si wafer embedded with copper wires, which are neighboring by about 10 nm distance. The CMP process will affect the structure of the Si/Cu heterogenous interface which is vertical to the wafer surface, and then affects the performance of the VLSI. However, there are very few investigations of the Si/Cu heterogenous interface which is vertical to the wafer surface using the MD simulation method.
In this paper, we use the MD simulation to study the structural change at the Si/Cu heterogenous interface induced by a nanoindenter. The Si/Cu heterogenous interface is vertical to the surface. This calculation model is set up in order to simulate the mechanical wear of the wafer surface with the Si/Cu heterogenous interface. The mechanical wear is introduced by abrasive particles in the CMP process. We systematically discuss the structural change at the Si/Cu interface induced by nanoindenter with different depths varying from 0 Å to 20 Å and different incident angles varying from −80° to 80°.
The MD simulations are performed using the large-scale atomic/molecular massively parallel simulator (LAMMPS) package.[11] Initially, the simulation model of the Si/Cu heterogenous interface contains about 17200 atoms with a dimension of 217.2 Å × 108.06 Å × 10.86 Å along x, y, and z directions, respectively. There are 6400 Si atoms and 10800 Cu atoms. At the heterogenous interface, the Si and Cu are in contact via their (100) faces, which are initially separated by 3.16 Å. The Si atoms are initially arranged in a diamond cubic structure with a lattice constant of 5.43 Å, and the Cu atoms are initially arranged in a face center cubic structure with a lattice constant of 3.61 Å. The many-body Tersoff potential[12–14] and the embedded atom method (EAM) potential[15–21] are adopted for the Si–Si and Cu–Cu interactions, respectively. The interfacial interactions between the Si and Cu atoms are described by the Morse two-body potential function[2,22]
In order to attain the minimum interfacial energy and obtain the stable structure of the heterogeneous interface, the following simple scheme is performed. Firstly, the periodic boundary condition (PBC) is used in the x, y, and z directions, and the relaxed system is obtained under zero pressure and constant temperature (300 K) via the isothermal-isobaric ensemble (NPT)[23–26] for 100 ps with a time step of 1 fs, as shown in Fig.
The aim of the present study is to reveal the formation mechanism of the structural change at the surface of the heterogenous interface under the nanoindenter with different incident angles. The incident angles between the normal line and the incident direction of the loading nanoindenter are ±80°, ±70°, ±60°, ±45°, ±30°, and 0° for this study, and the nanoindentation depth is chosen as 20 Å. The relaxed structures with different incident angles are shown in Fig.
We calculate the length of the extended atom layer under the nanoindenter with different incident angles. The length of the extended atom layer is defined as the length of the atom layer that crosses the plane of the heterogenous interface and reaches to the other side of the plane. The bonds of the Si and Cu atoms near to the nanoindenter are broken under the pressure of the nanoindenter, and the atoms reconstruct in order to reach a new stable state. The lengths of the Si extended atom layer are about 68.06 Å, 50.59 Å, 41.87 Å, 5.23 Å, 2.44 Å, and 0 Å for incident angles of −80°, −70°, −60°, −45°, −30°, and 0°, respectively. The lengths of the Cu extended atom layer are about 3.14 Å, 7.68 Å, 13.26 Å, 22.68 Å, 31.42 Å, and 38.38 Å for incident angles of 0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 70°, and 80°, respectively. The Si and Cu extended atom layers are almost located around the surface of the nanoindenter (shown in Fig.
The distributions of stress of the atoms in the Si/Cu heterogenous interface system are shown in Figs.
The formation mechanism of these reconstruction areas is analyzed in detail as follows. Firstly, when the incident angle is less than −45° or more than 45°, the stress of each atom is increased when the nanoindentation depth is increased. The nanoindenter with increasing depth can lead to the compressing space under the nanoindenter, and then cause the Si or Cu reconstruction. However, when the incident angle is −45°, the nanoindentation with increased depth could lead to that the stress of each atom near the nanoindenter first increases and then decreases, as shown in Fig.
The radial distribution function (RDF) is generally used to classify the crystal structure and show the structure change of the crystal system in MD simulations. The RDF is an example of the pair correlation function, which describes how, on average, the atoms in a system are radially packed around each other. The RDF g(r) gives the probability of finding a particle in the distance r from another particle.[29] Figure
![]() | Fig. 6. The radial distribution functions for the nanoindentation depth 20 Å with different incident angles ((a)–(k)). |
As for the RDF of Si in the heterogenous interface system under the nanoindenter, when the incident angle is from −80° to 45°, there is a slightly raised peak (located at 3.18 Å) between the first peak (located at 2.34 Å) and the second peak (located at 3.82 Å), which is marked in Figs.
As for the RDF of Cu, the first highest peak locates at 2.56 Å, which corresponds to the nearest neighboring Cu atoms in the ideal fcc structure. When the incident angle is ±80°, ±70°, and ±60° respectively, there is a small raised peak (located around 0.67 Å) that is contributed by the reconstructed Cu atoms, as shown in Figs.
The structural properties of the Si/Cu heterogenous interface under nanoindenter are obtained by performing MD simulations. The results indicate that the indentation depth, the incident angle, and the size of the nanoindenter play important roles in the structural deformation of the heterogenous interface. For a certain incident angle, the nanoindenter with increasing indentation depth could firstly increase the stress of each atom at the interface and then introduce more serious structural deformation of the heterogenous interface of Si/Cu. For the 20 Å indentation depth, the nanoindenter with the increasing incident angle can induce the increase of the length of the Si or Cu extended layer. Furthermore, when the absolute value of the incident angle is larger than 60°, the length of the Si or Cu extended layer is also related to the size of the nanoindenter. In particular, when the incident angle of the nanoindenter is 80°, the length of the Cu extended atom layer is very close to the length of the nanoindenter diameter. The length of the extended atom layer will affect the IC circuit performance. In the polishing process, the most appropriate diameter of each abrasive particle should be smaller than the distance of neighbor copper wires on the IC board to avoid the overlapping of the neighbor copper wires. For the cases under the nanoindenter with the incident angle from 45° to −45°, the dislocations of the atoms under the nanoindenter can get enough energy to overcome the diffusion potential barrier, and diffuse into the deeper region of the material and cause a larger region of dislocation. The stress of these atoms is then partly released and the system of the Si/Cu heterogenous interface reaches a new balance state. This systematic study on the Si/Cu heterogenous interface may give a direction to the planarizing process of the VLSI manufacture.